ASTM D500 Test Methods of Chemical Analysis of Sulfonated and Sulfated Oils
47. Scope
47.1 This test method covers the determination of the total alkalinity existing in a sample of sulfonated or sulfated oil, or both, by titrating a water solution of the sample with mineral acid in the presence of methyl orange as the indicator. This test method covers the determination of the total alkalinity of the fixed alkali, ammonia and triethanolamine bound as soap, free alkali, and the alkalinity of titratable alkaline salts, but not that of nontitratable alkaline salts.

48. Procedure
48.1 Proceed as described in the determination of alkalinity under organically combined sulfuric anhydride, Test Method A (18.1.1).

49. Calculation
49.1 Calculate the total alkalinity as described in 18.1.1.