ASTM D7671 Standard Test Method for Corrosiveness to Silver by Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel - Silver Strip Method
12. Report
12.1 Report the corrosiveness classifications according to Table 1 for the most highly corroded surface of the silver strip. State the duration of the test and the test temperature in the following format, and referencing the test method and procedure (A or B) used to perform the analysis:
Corrosion Silver Strip by D7671 - P (Xh/Y°C), Classification Z
P = procedure A or B,
X = test duration, in hours,
Y = test temperature, °C, and
Z = classification category (that is, 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4).

13. Precision and Bias
13.1 The precision and bias of this test method has not been determined.

14. Keywords
14.1 automotive spark-ignition engine fuel; corrosiveness to silver; gasoline; silver corrosion; silver strip