ASTM E800 Guide for Measurement of Gases Present or Generated During Fires
5. Sampling
5.1 More errors in analysis result from poor and incorrect sampling than from any other part of the measurement process (1, 2). It is therefore essential to devote special attention to sampling, sample transfer, and pretreatment aspects of the analysis procedures.

5.2 Planning for Analysis - Definitive answers should be sought and provided to the following questions during the planning stage: (1) Why is the sampling (analysis) being performed? (2) What needs to be measured? (3) Where will samples be taken? (4) When does one sample? (5) How are samples collected? (3).
5.2.1 All aspects of sampling and analysis relate to the fundamental reasons for performing the analysis. Analysis of combustion products is normally performed for one of the following reasons: for research on the composition of the gases; to relate directly to flammability, smoke generation, toxic or irritant effects; to study mechanisms of combustion; or for development of test equipment. The experimenter should decide exactly what type of information the analysis must provide. The necessary detection limits, acceptable errors, and possible or tolerable interferences must be determined.

5.2.2 A representative sample must be obtained; however, sampling must not interfere with the test (for example, sampling could alter the atmosphere in an animal toxicity experiment or in a smoke measurement device). The size and shape of the test chamber affects the possible location and number of sampling probes.

5.2.3 Single or cumulative samples may be adequate for many requirements; however, a continuous monitor may be desirable for the determination of concentration-time dependence, or in the case of analysis of reactive species (for example, hydrochloric acid (HCl).

5.2.4 Collection and transport of samples must be accomplished in such a way that the analyses properly reflect the nature and concentration of species in the combustion gas stream. Heated sampling lines made from an inert material are often required. Direct sampling and immediate analysis are preferable to retention of the sample for later analysis. Filtration of combustion gases prior to analysis may be necessary for some applications, but may be totally incorrect for other cases (see 5.9).

5.3 Test Systems - Many devices of various sizes can generate "fire gases" for analysis (4, (5)). These systems include large-scale facilities (fire situations simulated on a 1:1 scale (see Guide E 603 and Ref (6)); large laboratory-scale tests (for example, Test Method E 84); laboratory-scale chambers (for example, Test Method E 662 (7, 8)); and microcombustion furnace or tube furnace assemblies (2, (9)).
5.3.1 In general, the combustion devices (test chambers) fall into three categories:
(1) closed chambers (for example, Test Method E 662);
(2) open chambers (for example, a full-scale room burn);
(3) flow-through systems (for example, Test Method E 84).

5.3.2 Different test chamber sizes and configurations require different methods of sampling and analysis. Appropriate analytical procedures and equipment must be selected. In a full-scale fire experiment the sampling frequency and detection level and accuracy may not need to be the same as in a small laboratory-scale experiment.

5.4 Reactivity of Fire Gases:
5.4.1 Fire gases to be analyzed range from relatively inert and volatile substances, such as carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), to reactive acid gases such as hydrogen fluoride (HF), HCl, and hydrogen bromide (HBr). Other species frequently determined are oxygen, the sulfur-oxide species sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfur trioxide (SO3); the nitrogen-containing species hydrogen cyanide (HCN), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2); and hydrocarbons and partially oxidized hydrocarbons.

5.4.2 The following potential problems must be avoided or minimized by proper design of the sampling system and choice of materials of construction:
(1) Reaction of the gaseous products with materials used in sampling lines and test equipment that could lead to loss of sample and potential equipment failure;
(2) Adsorption, absorption, or condensation of gaseous products in the sampling system or on particles trapped in the filtration system;
(3) Reaction among species present in the gaseous sample;
(4) Interferences caused by species in the sample, other than the product being analyzed, that respond to the analytical method.

5.5 Sampling Frequency - The frequency of sampling is based primarily on the information sought. Most requirements will be met by one of the following three sampling modes:
(1) The quantity formed during the experiment is determined by collecting one time-integrated sample (2);
(2) The concentration is determined at a limited number of time points during the experiment (10);
(3) The concentration is determined either continuously or with sufficient frequency to represent it as a function of time (6, 8, 10, 11).
5.5.1 The two techniques used most commonly in the past have been the single, integrated sample and sampling at fixed time intervals. However, techniques for continuous analysis of certain species are now readily available (CO, CO2, and oxygen (O2)); while continuous analysis of other compounds of interest have been reported (12).

5.5.2 The integrated sampling technique entails collection of all the products (or a continuous sample from the gas stream) into an unreactive sampling bag such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or absorption of the species of interest in an appropriate solvent in an impinger for the duration of the experiment. Analyses are then performed on the contents of the bag or trapping medium (9). Water-soluble species such as HCl or HBr have been collected in solution impingers over the duration of the experiment, enabling analysis of the "integrated" sample. The gas flow rate through the impinger and the liquid volume determine the buildup of acid gas in the solution (the solubility of the species at the given gas flow rate should be verified). The integrated sampling techniques provide eitherthe "average" concentration of the particular species over the duration of the test or, for certain flow-through test procedures, a measure of the total amount of that species produced in the experiment. In this latter case, a total gas flow measurement is required.

5.5.3 Continuous or frequent, periodic sampling is often desirable. This limits further reaction of reactive species (such as HCl, HBr, and HCN), and is useful for studies of time-dependent, cumulative effects of toxic gases (such as CO) on animals.

5.5.4 Samples of combustion gas can be collected sequentially for subsequent instrumental analysis. An electrically activated multiport stream selection valve or a manifold of solenoid valves can be used to sequentially divert the combustion gas into a series of gas collection devices. This collection procedure can be automated by using a valve sequence timer or a multipole relay timer (13, 14).

5.5.5 For noncontinuous sampling of combustion gases, the frequency of sampling is often determined by the instrumentation. For example, using gas chromatography, sampling will be dependent on the residence time of species in the instrument. Sampling of species at time intervals using gas syringes, plastic sampling bags, sorption tubes, or the like, with analyses to be performed later, is not dependent on analysis time.

5.5.6 The volume of frequent or continuous gas samples removed must not significantly affect the concentration of remaining species. In small test chambers and some flowthrough systems, the volume of gas available for sampling is limited.

5.6 Sampling Sites:
5.6.1 The number and the locations of sampling sites are determined by the extent of analytical information sought and by the configuration of the test chamber (15, 16). To obtain representative samples from an NBS smoke density chamber, intake ports in one study (11) were located at three heights inside the chamber. The sample streams were then combined before being introduced into the analyzers. Previous experiments had demonstrated that significant stratification occurred in the chamber during part of the test. In a full-scale bedroom fire test (6), four gas sampling probes were used.

5.6.2 Guidelines developed for the monitoring of the emission of pollutants (1, 17, 18) can be utilized for the demonstration of the mass flow rates of combustion products through ducts. Traverses across the ducts (in a steady-state experiment) with a CO- or CO2-probe can be useful for determining whether a need exists for multiple sampling sites.

5.7 Sampling Probes:
5.7.1 Sampling probes must withstand exposure to the test environment and must not affect the integrity of the sample with respect to the substances being analyzed. Care should be exercised in heating probes of PTFE; temperatures above 250°C may affect their physical properties.

5.7.2 Probes fabricated from PTFE, PTFE-lined stainless-steel, glass-lined stainless-steel, unlined stainless-steel, borosilicate glass, or quartz tubing are frequently used for sample extraction from combustion or pyrolysis systems. Stainless steel should not be used with combustion products containing hydrogen halides since it reacts with these compounds. Glass and quartz react with fluorides; the latter substance can be extracted with PTFE probes if the atmospheric temperature is low enough. If the temperature is high, an alternative sampling technique would be placing absorption tubes at the sampling point, housing the tubes in an ice-water bath, and trapping HF upstream of all sampling lines and pumps (13, 14).

5.7.3 Probe and transfer lines should be heated to prevent losses of some combustion products such as total hydrocarbons due to condensation and HBr, HCl, nitrogen oxide (NOx), and SO2 due to solubility in condensed moisture (see Sections 7 and 9).

5.7.4 Commercially available gas syringes, evacuable glass or metal containers, plastic sample bags, and sorption tubes are often used for intermittant grab sampling (19, 20, 21). The sorption tube should be appropriate for the gasses to be analyzed. Glass-lined stainless-steel sorption tubes filled with glass beads coated with a strong base solution give excellent collection efficiency for the hydrogen halides (13, 14). Glass-lined stainless-steel tubes packed with p-2,6-diphenylphenylene oxide (a porous polymer that withstands high temperatures) are effective in the collection of hydrogen cyanide, organic nitriles, and other organics generated in fires.

5.8 Sample Volume, Sampling Rate:
5.8.1 In any sampling technique, the same volume is determined by the sensitivity of the method used for analysis, the detection level sought, the concentration of the species to be analyzed, and the precision required for the determination.

5.8.2 In continuous sampling, the sampling rate is partially determined by the desired response time. To minimize the response time, small-diameter transfer lines are used and all in-line devices (for example, filters and scrubbers) are kept to minimum volumes. A pressure drop may result from use of small diameter sampling lines.

5.8.3 Response time cannot be calculated exactly from sample line volume and gas flow rate because of the viscous nature of gas flow in the transfer lines and the continuous mixing of gas in sensor compartments. Response times can be determined experimentally by making a rapid change in gas concentrations at the sampling probe inlet and determining the time to a given response (usually 90 % or greater). Furthermore, all instruments have an intrinsic response time independent of sampling procedure.

5.8.4 Information pertaining to sampling rate and sampling volume is contained in Refs (21) and (22).

5.9 Sample Pretreatment:
5.9.1 Pretreatment of the sample must not affect sample integrity with respect to the species being analyzed. Pretreatment is used for the following purposes:
(1) The removal of species that would interfere with the performance of the detectors or would react with the species being analyzed, and
(2) Chemical conversion of the species present in the sample to those that are detected by the sensors.

5.9.2 Removal of particulate matter may be required for certain analyses. Particulates interfere with optical measurements; they can deposit in transfer lines and valves, possibly causing malfunctioning; and they can adsorb gases of interest or chemically react with sample gases. Loosely compacted PTFE-fiber filters have been found to be useful for the removal of particulate matter. Fiber filter thimbles of PTFE have been used in sampling probes (11). In that system, filter medium was also contained in a chamber where several sample streams were combined prior to analysis. Glass-fiber filters can be used with many types of gaseous samples; however, they cannot be used for samples containing HF. Cellulosic filters should be used with caution because of their reactivity toward a variety of substances. Filters must be heated to the same temperature as the sampling probe and sample transfer lines to minimize adsorption and condensation in the filtration media. In some circumstances, filtering material should not be present before the analysis point. An example is the measurement of acid gases using a liquid impinger as the trapping and analysis medium. A filter before the impinger would remove acid gases by adsorption onto liquids and particulates on the filter. Care must be taken that the impinger does not clog with particulates, and that oils or particles in the impinger liquid do not interfere with analysis.

5.9.3 Some analyzers require the removal of water vapor from the sampling line for proper operation or for valid data analysis purposes. Water vapor can be removed by a cold trap, by absorbent media, or by selective permeability media. A cold trap will remove any gases, such as the acid gases, that are soluble in water. The vapor pressure at the temperature of the cold trap of any gas to be measured must also be considered. Due to these factors, this technique is generally limited to use in O2, CO, and CO2 analysis systems. The low capacity of most absorbent media generally limits the application of this technique to second stage desiccation, following a cold trap. Water vapor as well as other gases, especially water soluble ones can also be removed. Conversion of NO2 to NO has been observed (22). Due to these considerations, the absorbent media technique is generally limited to use in O2, CO, and CO2 analysis systems. The performance of selective permeability driers in removing or not removing classes of compounds present in the sample stream has been studied (23, 24). Water and, in general, water soluble hydrocarbons are removed. Many inorganic gases, CO, CO2, and others, are not removed.

5.9.4 Some analyses require chemical conversion of species to that detected by the analytical sensors (for example, reduction of chlorine to chloride). Most chemical conversions are performed within the detector (for example, reduction of NO2 to NO (see Section 9)).

5.10 Sample Transfer:
5.10.1 Sample transfer is usually effected by pumping devices. Sample integrity must be retained during transfer. Materials suitable for sample probes and pretreatment devices are usable for transfer lines. For certain applications, stainless steel (no exposure to acid gases) and glass (no exposure to HF) can be used.

5.10.2 The internal surfaces of the pumps must be inert to the substances being transferred. Interior parts coated with PTFE are commonly used. In the transfer of acid gases, the impingers or scrubbers used for the adsorption of these species should precede the pumps in the sample transfer system.

5.10.3 To retain sample integrity, transfer lines leading to analyzers for nitrogen oxides, hydrogen halides, sulfur dioxide, and hydrocarbons should be heated to prevent condensation and reduce adsorption.

5.10.4 Quantitative sample transfer requires flow rate determination. Rotameters and orifice-type meters are generally useful in combustion gas analysis.

5.11 System Maintenance:
5.11.1 Preventive maintenance is essential for analysis systems in which the gas streams contain reactive and condensable components.

5.11.2 In addition to normal instrument maintenance, the following preventive steps are recommended: Filters should be examined and replaced before they become heavily loaded with particulate matter. Some filters should be replaced after each experiment. The inside surfaces of gas transfer lines, valves, and pumping devices should be examined and cleaned periodically. Deposits should be removed with appropriate solvents. Rotameters should be examined to ascertain that the floats are moving freely. The rotameter tubes and the floats should be periodically cleaned with appropriate solvents.