This test method covers the empirical procedures for determining the Saybolt Universal or Saybolt Furol viscosities of petroleum products at specified temperature between 21 and 99° C (70 and 210° F).

Test Methods D445 and D2170 are preferred for the determination of kinematic viscosity. They require smaller samples and less time, and provide greater accuracy. Kinematic viscosities may be converted to Saybolt viscosities by use of the tables in Test Method D2161. It is recommended that viscosity indexes be calculated from kinematic rather than Saybolt viscosities.

Saybolt Universal viscosity - the corrected efflux time in seconds of 60 mL of sample flowing through a calibrated Universal orifice under specified conditions. The viscosity value is reported in Saybolt Universal seconds, abbreviated SUS, at a specified temperature.

Saybolt Furol viscosity - the corrected efflux time in seconds of 60 mL of sample flowing through a calibrated Furol orifice under specified conditions. The viscosity value is reported in Saybolt Furol seconds, abbreviated SFS, at a specified temperature.

Furol - an acronym of "Fuel and road oils".

The efflux time in seconds of 60 mL of sample, flowing through a calibrated orifice, is measured under carefully controlled conditions. This time is corrected by an orifice factor and reported as the viscosity of the sample at that temperature.

No precision or bias data are available at present.